I’m glad I was finally able to draw Leo. Took me long enough, but I kind of wanted Leo to be one of the last ones I do. Especially since I only have about 5 more characters to go O_O Then I’ll be finished. Doesn’t really seem like it, I’ve done so many of these already…
Leo Razada, his color scheme obvious involves Red, since he’s the heir to the Crimson House and everything that comes with it. Though Leo doesn’t really care about that, and he was willing to give it up in order to (hopefully) get a simple life. Leo is Ryo’s twin brother, born two minutes before him. (I dunno, I love the idea of twins and I wish I had one…) I haven’t decided, but Leo’s probably gonna be the older of the two brothers. Leo isn’t really on bad terms with any of his siblings, but he gets along best with Ryo since they’ve had to spend so much time together. Leo’s also the only one out of him and Ryo that remembers their mother.
Also, Leo's real name is "Lion", but once he abandons the Razada House he changes it to Leo.