Ryo or Demon (Fan Art Portfolio) Kalon Miltiades 2

Kalon Miltiades 2
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Kalon’s probably one of my only characters who hasn’t changed since original concept. Almost everybody else has gone through some sort of drastic change in appearance.

The top part is from a scene in HOLE (I re-read it recently XD) that I regrettably plan on removing. It amused me so much I had to sketch it out real quick and it stayed on Kalon’s page.
Kalon is secretly one of my favorite characters. XD Not just because he’s bamf, but he’s kind of like Ryo in that he would rather stick to himself and not talk to people. It’s obvious that Kalon has a darker past than the others before the start of BAHD, but very little is known about it. He only has one son, Ken, but nobody knows who Ken’s mother is. Not even Ken or Professor Bob know who she is. Kalon knows, but he never talks about it. His “best” friend is Dimi, but Kalon appears to hate Dimi wish a passion. But Kalon does care for his friends, it just only really shines through in the most desperate of times.

I think Kalon has to go out to my friend, Kaijin89, since she drew Kalon awhile back and really helped me finalize how he’s supposed to look XD

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
BAHD, Demon, Earth Angel, Kalon, Miltiades, Ryo
6 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
littledreamer2846 wingedshadowwolf kennysama Kaijin89
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