One last life drawing assignment, and that was to draw ourselves as a historical figure. My immediate thought was Peter the Great of Russia, since we spent a day on him in Western Civ and I was fascinated by him.
Namely, his whole "cutting off the beards of the Russian higher ups" really stuck in my head. I had immediate ambition from the start on this - I wanted to do full color and oil pastel, since I hadn't been able to do either in a year. I soon learned my ambitions would make me really hustle to get this project done (and it shows, what with some wonky anatomy), but it did persuade my prof to give me an A, so that's fine by me.
One of my defining traits has been my mongoose bangs, so I figured cutting off those would be akin to cutting off my beard. Peter!Me is just me with my bangs clipped back, since that radically alters my appearance apparently.
//Sakura Cray-Pas Expressionist/Van Gogh oil pastels on 30x44" BFK Reeves paper