Scarlet Kazuaki (Fan Art Portfolio) Sing-Chan

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XDDD;;; Geee it took me long enough to finish this!!! And crappy coloring FTW! :P This was drawn, I don't know HOW long ago, and this was colored like a month ago... Things tend to just sit in my computer...

Anyway, this is Sing-Chan, or my laptop if she were a person =D Why? Because many moons ago, a friend created a contest for this, I sketched it, and it sat there for months until I did the line art, it sat there for some time again, until I found it on a rainy day and scanned it in~

Ehmmmm..I tried a different way of coloring it (like I scanned the sketch and did the line art on SAI) And it was a lot easier to color, so I might stick to that way... Maybe.. The coloring really sucks though, and I can't write with a mouse... Or pen tablet I guess..

The only thing I like is how I drew the eyes .3. I would never use it, but since than, I haven't been able to redraw that style.. It's so different X3 OH! And I got Sing-Chan cause my computer says Lansing on it somewhere and I just took the 'sing' part and cause I listen to music a lot on it/her.

I hope you like it as my first thing I submit! ^.^

Dedicated to Saz cause you're awesome, I haven't dedicated anything to you in FOREVER, and cause you're awesome ^^ *shot* I hope you like it :D

Personal Fan Art
computer, crap, lansing, scarlet, sing-chan
7 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
ChiyukiChan yuuki fiedell
Member Dedication
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