Kitty K.O. (Fan Art Portfolio) A Memory (sketch)

A Memory (sketch)
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I finally got around to this... =>u>;= This is someone you've probably wondered about but have never seen until now. That is correct, this is Aberius' mother, Solia.

She had Aberius at the age of 18. She died at 23, when Aberius was 5 years old. It was a huge loss not only for Aberius and Alterius, but the whole village. She was loved by everyone there and was very kind and generous. She did not hesitate to help others when they needed it. However, even though she was kind, she would also scold others when they did wrong, especially Alterius, as he was 4 years younger than she. She met Alterius at the age of 16 when he showed up at the village one day. He was bruised and starving and barely conscious. She took him in and cared for him, but he was a cheeky, 12-year old kid who had difficulty expressing his gratitude. She often bopped him on the head for being rude. She kept many of the village's men in check.

This was her favorite place to be, at Mt. Moon Square's fountain. She'd often chat with the neighboring Clefairys when she went into their town to pick up supplies. Then she'd sit on the edge of the fountain and watch the sun set over the peaks of Mt. Moon.

I felt sad while drawing this, because I also felt the sadness of both Aberius and Alterius. The secret I will reveal about why she died is... that Aberius killed her. It was not intentional on his part. Alterius blames himself, because he broke the village's traditions of not letting a child under the age of 5 eat raw meat, for if an Absol child tastes any amount of blood, they will be cursed and rend destruction. Alterius had heard these stories, but only thought of them as fairy tales. A mere 15 minutes before Aberius' 5th birthday, Alterius snuck some meat into the house to celebrate his only son getting a year older. "It couldn't hurt if we're a little early..." he had said. Aberius' nose had caught the scent and he was entranced by something he had never encountered before. he snatched the meat away and voraciously began eating. Alterius laughed, remarking that he seemed as if he'd never eaten a thing in his life. Before Aberius had finished the last bit, there was a clatter at the door. Solia stood in the frame, eyes widened in fear and disbelief. She turned to Alterius and asked "What have you done...?" it didn't occur to Alterius what was going on until it was too late. Everything had happened in slow motion... Aberius writhing in pain... his small body transforming into something beastly. The small creature lunging at him... and Solia jumping in the way. Her delicate neck was slashed. Alterius knelt over her and she looked at him, he with tears in his eyes. The young man who was now 18 looking at his wife, who lay there getting colder. "Please don't hate yourself..." she said, reaching up to touch his face. "Save our son... Don't let him stray... Alterius, my young naive love... Please... save... Ab..." but her words were unfinished, as her body went limpand lifeless... And Alterius held her, crying while the village restrained an innocent, yet guilty young Absol, only 5 years old...

And that is more or less the truth of what happened to young Aberius. =TT_TT= My poor little Abs... *hugs an Aberius plushie*

Pokemon Fan Art
Abbie, Aberius, Abs, Absol, fountain, gijinka, Kitty K.O., mother, Solia
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