I’ve been finding a lot of old drawings in my sketchbook lately O_O I remembered that I had done this for part of a character sheet page, but never finished the rest of the page!
But his name is Derrick. He’s a pretty minor character who only shows up in HOLE, but his role is a fairly important one. He’s very underdeveloped, but I’ve been working on him so he won’t just be another one of those guys whose name is mentioned, then never again XD I hate those guys…but Derrick is not him! Unlike Vince, Ryo doesn’t become friends with his commanding officer. Derrick is also a Natasic.
I got Derricks name completely by accident. I know it’s an actual name because I have a cousin named Derick, but when I needed a Commanding officer for HOLE I ended up flipping through a dictionary looking for some random word to use as his name, when I came upon the page named with derrick meaning the platform in which people are hung in the gallows. After I read that I decided that his name HAD to be Derrick, and it’s worked wonders since XD