In my opinion, Naruto definately deserves to be the greatest anime character ever.(though I am not his fangirl) why? He never backs down, keeps his promises, protects those he cares about, punches/talks sense into crazy people doing bad things, has the ability to change people, managed to make a "family" though his real family died , has to deal with the nine-tailed fox living inside him, is a feakin blue-eyed blonde, (lol, inside joke, gomen) and is THE ONLY PERSON WHO IS CURRENTLY ABLE TO GET SASUKE TO COME BACK.
Total reasons why: 9
If you don't think he's deserving, then I think you're psycho. (again, I am not a Naruto fan girl, I am a fangrl for many characters, but mostly for Sasuke-kun. Wich is why Naruto need to hurry up and knock some sense into the Uchiha-boy, it pains me seeing him so corrupted by Madara and evil!!! (oh, wait, Madara and Evil are the same thing, huh? lol. ))