Me: Yeah the strawberris are ready!
Ozzy (out of shot): Great! Now we can make jam!
Me: What is it with you and Jam?
Ozzy: Well . . . it delicious!
Me: . . right . . well you an have some after you finished feeding the chickens!
Ozzy: . . . ahhhhh . .
Me: What's happend now?
Ozzy: the ch. . ch. .chickens are attacking meeeee!
Me: *looks into the chicken shed, Ozzy was in a corner and the chickens have surrounded him and starts to lauphe*
I can't imagine Ozzy in farming dungarees! oh Ozzy is an oc of mine and here
some sketches just for people to know who he is - Ozzy Profile
This is for rosel D's challenge and I'm in my fave game harvest moon! I hope they make a new ones for the DS soon!
Well I hope you all like it!