shizuruminamino (Fan Art Portfolio) Raul Crying

Raul Crying

Raul walks somberly up to Heaven's Gate and is caught by Ramona and St. Peter. He smiles halfheartedly at her but then goes back to his sad expression.

Ramona: What's wrong?

Raul doesn't say anything but just drops to his knees. Then he casts his thoughts into her head like he usually does when he wants just her to know.

Ramona kneels down and embraces him. Immediately he begins to sob.

Peter: What's wrong with him, Ramona?

Ramona: Will you allow me to tell Pete? It's just the three of us here. Nobody else has to know.

Raul nobs through his tears.

Ramona: He's telling me his friend, Rolo, has just been exercised. They were down on Earth doing a task for their master.

Peter: You mean that young incubus that was employed recently.

Ramona: Rolo and Raul have been best friends ever since the creation of man on Earth. Rolo and Raul had been reassigned to play with mortal womens' minds when this priest got to them. Raul made it back here, but not Rolo. Raul watched in horror while Rolo was being banished.

Peter: Sorry about that. I shouldn't be surprised though. I know how rough a demon's life has to be. That's why it's called Hell where they're from.

Ramona: I know I should get back in but...

Peter: No, take as much time as you want. You love him. I see you with him everyday. He needs this time to grieve for his friend so...let him.

Ramona: But what if your best friend finds out...

Peter: Ramona, you know him better than anyone. He encourages this. The man's all about love. You'd think he know the way he's got all those love posters up everywhere.

Ramona: A hippie?

Peter: Uh...yeah. That.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
angel, cry, crying, demon, heaven, hell, love, Ramona, Raul
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