Sakaira (Fan Art Portfolio) A Walk On The Beach

A Walk On The Beach
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This is the sketch I did weeks ago that is taking a lot longer to color than I expected cause I skipped the outlining process. I only cleaned this enough for me to start working on GIMP with the colors, though it look fine without it.

Yes I left out details cause I was looking at two different reference for each of them (that and I just didn't wanna draw MOMO's hat). I used the concept art and the CG renders, both differ from each other in certain areas. Yeah..

When I drew this, I did not know that Jr. was suppose to be a cm shorter than MOMO :X So... just please ignore that. It's been a good year since I got back into Xenosaga and I drew that somewhat after I crazed and relied on those separate images and vague memory.

I think they're a rather cute couple. You can argue with me about the age gap and the MOMO/Sakura thing but it may never end. I have yet to draw the rest. I started the second one but I'ma redo it for various reasons. Though I dunno how I'm gonna draw the rest (the next one is KOS-MOS, I plan to draw all the main playable chars at some point). Currently I just need to add the rest of the colors onto Jr (about half left), clean up any weird bits, then do the hardest/longest part: shading/lighting and perhaps "special effects".

Art (c) me
Jr./Rubedo, MOMO, Xenosaga series (c) Monolith

Xenosaga Fan Art
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