HawaiianBabidoll (Fan Art Portfolio) Deadly Skater

Deadly Skater

This character goes by many names...partially due to his status as one of the 8 kings and master Air Trek rider and fighter, and partially due to his multi-personality disorder.

This is Agito Wanijima, The Fang King of the Bloody Road, the human shark.
This is also Akito Wanijima, younger sibling to the leader of the Windstorm G-men SWAT team and the team's secret weapon.
This is Lind Wanijima, a deadly and legendary fighter unmatched in talent and skill.

This is why he's an amazing character. The two main personalities, Agito and Akito, are controlled by the position of the eyepatch. When the patch covers his right eye, he is Akito - a sweet, gentle little boy who loves to show his affection and is over all an innocent child. When the patch covers his left eye, he is Agito - a rather ax-crazy foul mouthed fighter who battles on his SERRATED motor powered roller blades. In a straitjacket. This instantly makes him a bad ass.

(For those curious, Lind is true to the rules of dissociative identity disorder and something (usually an event) must trigger his release. Lind does not wear an eyepatch)

His past can be viewed as ... not the best. His brother kept him in a literal cage when he wasn't using him as a weapon, and he has no qualms about whipping Akito/Agito or shooting him with rubber bullets when the boy does something the older Wanijima dislikes.

So. The reason he's the best character ever? He is both the most honest and the least honest, the most passive yet the most aggressive. He can be adorable and cute without tarnishing his dark, blood thirsty reputation.

Seriously, this boy cross-dressed in a white angel wedding gown with a smile on his face, then proceeded to attack and defeat an entire warehouse of thugs single handedly with ease....while handcuffed.

Plus he has a straitjacket. Typically characters with straitjackets are awesome.

Agito/Akito Wanijima - Air Gear

Air Gear Fan Art
Agito, Air trek, Akito, AT, Fang, King, Psycho, ride, roller blades, roller skates, Shark, Wanijima
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4 members Favoritefavorite
Kaagemusha twilight samurai ken206573 mickyodragon
Member Dedication
twilight samurai
Greatest Anime Character EVER!!
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