He is an ancient creation, born from the forges of Creation and welded together by the skilled hands of the gods. The Timekeeper, as he is known, is the clockwork mechanics behind the ticking of each second, the passing of an hour, the systematic rise and fall of the sun and the endless cycles of the seasons. He holds the keys to the passing of time and age, watching in secret as the world changes before his fabricated eyes. He is as immortal and unending as time, the eternal keeper of the past, the present, the future, and the mysteries of change held within them all.
In other words, he's a really cool steampunk robot. I drew him for a Gaia art auction, which is robot-themed. He was really fun to draw, and surprisingly it didn't take too long, since I was able to start and finish him in one sitting.
Too-da-loo! High-Res loves you! (oh, look, a rhyme!)
Photoshop cs5/Wacom tablet/3 hours
PS: Immediate and Two Steps from Hell are officially the most epic groups I've ever seen. Ever. They do movie trailer music, which translates to uberawesomeninjaknockyoursocksoffmusic.