Ryo or Demon (Fan Art Portfolio) BAHD Group

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Originally, this was just meant to be a piece where I try out my new watercolors, but since I just passed up 5000 views on my DA account, it becme a Thanks for the views piece XP But it's nice by itself too!

Really, I just wanted to draw Leo in the beginning. Because his color scheme is mostly red, and I FINALLY got good red watercolors. XP But then I thought "I never draw him with his brother, I'll add Ryo too" But then Ryo was kind of in the background, so I wanted someone to be with him: I added Roxanne. Then I had to add Dimi doing something to Roxanne, so I ended up with four people ^_^" And this piece is too big to scan, so it's one of the biggest projects I've done in awhile, and I loved it XD My favorite is Leo by far, I always love drawing him…next would be Roxanne, just because I’m finally starting to find a way to draw women in a way I like them…

Eventually I wanna draw all of my main characters together (all 20 of them, jeez -_-) But thank you for the views, and I’m gonna go sleep for sic hours before I have to wake up again…

To Wingedshadowwolf, for suggesting I draw all of my OCs together one day. Still haven't done it, but this is the closest I've been XD

Personal Fan Art
5000 views, demon, ryo
9 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
Sabriela Hellena wingedshadowwolf iamEssence The Echo Effect LightFykki
Member Dedication
Sourced By
Demon paper ~Sabriela Hellena

You're allowed to use this piece for your wallpapers and ecards if you: (1) paste this page's URL when you submit them and (2) agree not to upload your new work outside theOtaku.com


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