Well Hellur guys :D
Long time no submit I see.
Well I've been drawing quite a bit so expect more drawings from meee :DD
Anyway, this actually just for a challenge, Together. Connected.
I don't really have a favourite character, since I have a lot of them. But I guess I'll get started with one of them; Sasuke.
This pretty much is just me dragging him to go shopping with me >D I'm sorrryyy D: *even tho not inside is not really xD*
So useful when you take out a guy to go shopping with you. *shot xD*
So anyway, Sasuke is one of my favourite characters because...
I don't know really ._.
Well I do but I don't know how to explain it. Know what I mean? But yeah. When I first watched Naruto, he was my first favourite character.
And Hello, Sasuke! (eheheh. >3)
anyway, hugs/comments/faves are loved and appreciated~ Thanks<3