Ryo or Demon (Fan Art Portfolio) Roxanne Bio

Roxanne Bio
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In the original BAHD, Roxanne was a pretty bland and submissive character. And there are only 2 prominent females in BAHD, Roxanne and Kaira. Kaira has a strong character, so I don’t worry about her. But then I have to work on Roxanne’s character to make her stand out more as well. So far in her revamping, Roxanne’s become more determined, straightforward, and defined. A part of her is still submissive, but it’s only become a portion of her personality. This piece was me trying to get used to drawing her, as I’m nervous when it comes to women, I struggle with them XP I also love the color scheme here, which was kind of by accident XD

Roxanne (Raijin)

Age :Varies
Birthdate: June 1st, Year 120
Characteristics: Calm, Intelligent, Compassionate, Steady, Occasionally Conflicted, Slightly Vain
Title: The Passionate Angel
Color Scheme: Black & Purple/Pale Yellow

I was listening to this song for the coloring stages of this piece, so now it’s kind of stuck in my head as “Roxanne’s theme”. I dunno how well I suits her, but it’s a pretty epic song. Can’t pass it up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0ow4tGgZWk

For luminescentLove for talking to me while I finished this ^^ That and she loves Roxanne's design apparently XD

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
BAHD, Bio, demon, Roxanne, Ryo
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