AJV7 (Fan Art Portfolio) Tira

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Hi there. *Note: Better Quality Version Here*

This is my Fanart of Tira, who is one of my favorite characters from the Soul Calibur series of weapon-based fighting game.
She's the type that can go from Jolly to Gloomy at any moment.
Trust me, you don't want to get her on her bad side. X3

Here she appears as she does in the upcoming Soul Calibur 5 game (due next year sometime) and I have to say that I really like the new look because it combines her Player 2 Outfit from SC4 (Only standard version of her I'd be caught playing with) and her SC3 Player 1 Outfit, also loving the new tri-colored braided pigtails.

Honestly I've been meaning to draw a fanart of her but I really don't like her Player 1 Outfit from SC4 and I've doodled her Player 2 Outfit but I just never really..I don't know..felt it.

Anyway besides that there's also another character I added to the picture that you might have noticed. That's Pyrrha, whom if I'm not mistaken has a connection with Tira. I'm not exactly sure how to describe what I was going for, but basically I wanted to make like an illusion (?) of like a window(?) with Tira's Ringblade (which I guess I didn't do to terrible a job on but I wish it were better) showing Pyrrha and her connection to Tira and the Background colors are supposed to represent her Jolly and Gloomy sides.

So yeah, I hope you all like it. :D

Comments And Constructive Criticism Welcome.

Art By: AJV7 (Me)
Character Created By: Namco Bandai

Soul Calibur Fan Art
anime, fighter, fighting game, girl, hot, manga, pyrrha, ringblade, sexy, soul calibur, tira, two girls, video games
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