lol...what's funny is this came out kind of whimsical and cute in a sort of melancholy way....and it's freakin' vent art XD ....I was angsting like a b**ch when I drew this last night.
um...basically long story short, I've been experiencing some very confusing "regret" issues related to art school crap from the past.
Airplane is a symbol of how I've been feeling lately, and the title says a lot ot describe that.
sort of feeling I like I maybe could have been something, could have "had my shot" but never did because I'm missing some important features to actually make something like a real art career work...similar to how this plane can't fly with the missing propeller. so yeah lol. that's about it. decided to just draw it an get it out of my system since I needed to go to bed at the time, and no one likes to go to bed angry, right? :/
as mentioned before, it's here because it came out kind of quaint, so decided to share, I'm actually kind of happy how it came out.