Hey friends! Its been a few days since my last post, so I'll get right into it here... This is another design I painted on a shirt with fabric paint. I had a few problems when the paint started bleeding off into the fabric -_- Its almost impossible to fix a mistake when your dealing with fabric and fabric paint :P but I did my best! ^^
PS. Thankyou to those who are viewing, leaving lovely comments, giving me hugs, or favouriting my artwork! Special thanks to all my subscribers! It really means a lot to me and I appreciate it sooo much!
But unfortunately, I'm having issues with commenting and replying... As of now, my computer is still not allowing me to post comments on other peoples artwork >_< Its driving me crazy! I'm sorry that I can't comment to you all, but hopefully this problem will fix itself soon! Just don't think I'm ignoring your art or anything!! :3