Ryo or Demon (Fan Art Portfolio) Earth Users

Earth Users
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I was bored last night and needed something to do while I watched American Dad. XP But I decided to try and decide which Element I would be were I some user or something. Top right is Ken, the youngest Earth User, and the bottom left is Kalon, the 'oldest' Earth User and Ken's father. The top right is who I might be O_O

I decided I'd be an Earth User. Mostly because I think I'd fit in the best with that Element. Sure, Element is my horoscope element, but that didn't make me choose Earth. I wouldn't be Darkness, though I think they're the coolest >< I don't think I'd be able to handle the luggage that comes with it. Light is too pure, I would be an awful Light sinner XD Wind was actually my second or third choice, because then I could flyyyy. ^_^ Water is definitely out, it might get rid of my aquaphobia, but Water Users are either awkward or sex fiends, so I don't want either XD Fire would be awesome, and it's a close second for me. But then again I think I'd be tempted to burn stuff XD Lightning would be cool too, but in my story Lightning is a little harder to control and is a feminine element, so I wouldn't fit in very well XP And as for Ice....I kind of hate it XD Sure I'd never be hot again, but then I'd be comparing myself to Janon, and I can't have that XD

Earth Users in my story generally have black hair that they don't keep that long, and grey eyes. I could live with that, but I think I would be Earth because it’s a very practical Element and very solid. Harder to use if you’re not on land, but it’s generally anywhere you are. I can’t really explain it, something about using Earth seems the best option for me. XP

Random fact I discovered....all of my Earth Users names end in "n" O_O Maybe I'll make that a thing...

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
earth users, Kalon, Ken
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