MWIcool (Fan Art Portfolio) Arden 01

Arden 01
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Detached Arden

Name: Arden

Gender: Male

Age: 17 assumed

Race: Detached (When a Heartless and a Nobody become one but do not take the original form. In most cases concerning human form Detached, the body more closely resembles the Nobody’s original body and the Heartless’s mind and personality for the most part. Though, there is always a little mix. If you want more info on Detached look at my other work, Human, Form)

World of Origin: Eclipse Town. A small world made by five of the first eight Detached under the direction of and now ruled by a Detached called Archmon the ruler.

Keyblade: Good Student, made from the “Learner” key chain. It is basically a big pencil with a book attached to it.

Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: Red
Hair Style: Neat
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 133
Body Type: Fit but skinny
Distinguishing Markings: Wears glasses and has the Detached emblem on his shirt.

Specialties: This individual can learn abilities from others (kind of like Sora can learn jump from the dragoons). Unlike Sora, they get added to his ability list and so are freely usable like “Guard” and other like that. The other abilities like “Scan” he must be taught or can learn from studying. He has a great many abilities but his experience is little so he has few AP. It should also be of note that he cannot copy everything, like most drive and limit abilities, though he can summon but he must have the item to summon them.

Clothes Style: A bit nerdy with green pants, red shoes, and a shirt with a pocket protector with writing utensils in it. It also has lots of buttons like the zippers in kingdom hearts, I might make it a part all Detached from here on out.

Personality: Obsessed with learning, from fighting to knitting to math wither it is good or evil. If you teach him something he will be your friend for a while but you have not done so for a while he might stop being friends but if you teach him a lot he will stay friends forever out of gratitude. He only stays in a place for as long as he is learning ether mental or physical skills; if he thinks there is nothing more to learn there or he can learn more elsewhere, he will just leave. Would rather listen to someone else’s story than tell his own.

Hobbies: Reading and training.

Likes: Books and watching fights and educational items.

Dislikes: Sitting still, people that cannot teach him anything, and games of chance.

Eccentricities: Tends to slouch back a bit. Unwillingness to stay anywhere that he does not think can teach him anything. Is not very creative, just knows how to apply the things he has learned to new situations (in other words, he could not figure out new reaction commands to situations with no precedent).

History: His Heartless came from a boy who was surprisingly bright. Everything he read he seemed to understand giving him a good amount of magical awareness. He came from the world of Treasure Port (Treasure Planet movie). Because their world was already in the habit of traveling from world to world it was susceptible to being attack by the heartless. He tried to run from the Heartless but his coordination left much to be desired and he literally tripped over his own feet. There he was changed into a Heartless.

His Nobody came from a young man with a great talent for movement. He could learn how to fight, dance, do gymnastics and so on, by merely watching someone do it and trying it a few times even when it came to learning to play an interment. He came from the world of Agrabah. When the heartless came to Agrabah in the events of Kingdom Hearts 1, this young man, with his abilities, stayed to fight and hold them off. There was nowhere for anyone to truly go since the passageway to other worlds was just opened and they did not know about it at the time. This allowed them to capture the princess but first the young man was overwhelmed and made into a Heartless and also, conjointly, into a Nobody. The man was a bit slow.

The fact that they two were great at the opposite things is what caused them to not fight each other and join forces. The case is the similar for most Detached.

After fusing, he found him self in the now disconnected world of Travelers Town. Since it has been lock off from the lines of the other worlds, there were no Heartless or Nobodies there. He was found by Hemifera, she has a knack at that kind of thing, and was taken to Eclipse Town through her powers. After that, he learned how to use his keyblade to travel between worlds and several other abilities before he left.


Greeting: “Can you teach me anything?”

Why I desire to be a Keyblade Master: Does not want to be a Keyblade Master just wants to learn how to use it to it’s fullest. Becoming a Keyblade Master is just a side effect.

Other Info:
Dodge roll
Double jump
MP Rage
MP Haste
High Jump
Flourish (Assault Rider)
Spin Slash (Nightwalker)
Flamethrower (Fat Bandit)
Release (Gargoyles)
And several others.

Well that is about it. I should have not colored him he looked better black and white.

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
Arden, Detached, Heartless, Keyblade, Kingdom Hearts, Nobody
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