Just a sketch of Kiki's dresses. Its so fun drawing different dresses for her :D
I didn't think a full gown dress suited her. She likes to dance and twirl so something short and flowing. So I thought a salsa like dress or high low dress
With lots of ruffles!
The first one is based on this design LINK
I'll redesign the top or something.
The second one is based of this design LINK
The white one.
I like this one though its a little simple and I'll add sleeves with ruffles at the end.
The third one is based on a high low (can't find the image that I design it off)
I like all the frills!
And the last one is dress thats based off winter prom/bridesmaid dress. LINK
I thought the white and green looked festive to me and its Kiki's main colors.
But its my last favorite.
As for Maura I've already decided what she's going to wear; and its not a dress ;D
And I decided I'll have enter return to the mansion. Like the day after the members meeting.