ponyochan (Fan Art Portfolio) In the summertime, when the weather gets warm..

In the summertime, when the weather gets warm..
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Hey KeybladeMewKasa! I'm your Secret Santa! Merry Christmas! M'kay, so this explanation is going to be semi short, because I'm supposed to be packing for my trip to Minnesota, which I am leaving for tomorrow directly after school, but about 76 seconds ago, I was like "OMG! I was supposed to upload that picture! Otherwise I'm gonna kill someone's Christmas!!" So yes. So, Merry Christmas! I drew...5) DRAW A HOBO SUNBATHING WITH A GLASS OF LEMONADE AND A BOOMBOX. AND THERE HAS TO BE EXPLOSIONS AND DRAGONS IN THE BACKGROUND...But for some odd reason, my mind took out "AND A BOOMBOX" and put in "ON A BEACH" I guess I just assumed it was a beach, because it said "sunbathing"? Yeah, there's really no explanation. So I'm sorry about that OTL It got lost in translation..or added in translation. And it was sad, because the beach part was difficult for me to make happen, too. LOL. So basically, I took a whimsical take on this idea and drew it in my crazy style! Thanks for the idea, it was really fun. So here is the hobo, sunbathing on the beach with her pet dragon. The dragon did not go as well as I had hopes..this was my first time drawing a dragon. It was very fun, though! So I really hope you enjoy it, and if you were joking about drawing a hobo, I totally owe you a redo. I just wanted to draw a hobo. Merry Christmas, and I hope that you next year is really great! Enjoy!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
baby dragon, beach, beads, Christmas, chucks, converse, dragon, explosions, girl, heart, hobo, lemonade, messy, raggamuffin, rags, sunbathing
8 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
Ellenor Mererid harvestmoonluvr infinatelove42 aragorn1014 KeybladeMewKasa
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