My art summary for 2011. I'm surprised that I actually have something for every month this year. I thought I missed some due to school... Especially May... Testing month yikes. Well unfortunately I don't I'll be able to get every month for 2012 because of very important tests (SAT, AP, ACT) and senior year.... So yeah you won't see me posting that many art unless I somehow become a fast artist o.o but I'll still be on theotaku often. Actually... I haven't even posted up one I drew, not that I scanned it yet anyways.
Now to talk about the actual submission. This is done on GIMP.
January, creepier than I remembered.... -shudders- But same o' Kai/Kei (debating upon name now). Kai/Kei (c) me
February, ocs again. Kai/Kei and.... I forgot her name... Wait... I never decided on her name... Oops, ought to get to that sooner or later. Those two(c) me
March, I was almost shocked that I might not have drawn in my birth month but turns out I did. Oz (c) Jun Mochizuki
April, worse than I remembered. Quite bleh and awfully pale... Zeal (c) me
May, still shocked that I have something but its some cheap bored Paint doodle. Hate new MS Paint.... character (c) me not that I really want it.
June, this was my friend's present :) I had to cut off Greil in this, he took too much space to crop properly. Sebastian and Greil (c) Yana Toboso
July, the one that took forever. I still remember m back pain from sitting so long... Shiny and kinda eh.... Warrior of Light (c) Square Soft/Square Enix
August, Xenosaga nostalgia. This is actually my icon for a web because I didn't wanna use my takochu one because someone kept saying "yummy".... Jr./Rubedo and MOMO (c) Monolith
September, a lot drawn but only this one was finished in colored for a challenge. Suzumi (c) me
October, KH fandom. Looks really off :( Sora & Roxas (c) Disney and Square Enix
November, for best friend's birthday. Noctis (c) Square Enix
December, Christmas. I didn't want to use the other one and the most recent one isn't scanned. So yeah. The gingerbread house&man shall represent! Because I don't own the oc in that image.
All art was drawn by me. I have evidence for all expect three, one was done completely digitally and the other two were given to friends for birthday.
Edit: Looking back at previous summaries, I really improved over the years. That's an accomplishment! However I really hate looking at my old artworks cause it creeps me out! -shivers- Ugh the deformity! I mean I still have that probably but not as bad as back then.