well you may be wondering what possesed me to draw this, well it was a combonation of things, see on my facebook i use pictures of sabriela that look like they are only half of a more perverted picture, almost as if she is actively playing with her imaginary friend. yesterday i was crusing my friends walls and my one friend had a post taht said "Let us STOP censorship! Support by covering your avatars eyes up, or a part of your avatar!" immediatly my mind started wandering, i had my rapeface on, and this turned out really close to what i had in mind. i couldnt wait for the scan to color it either so i grabbed my tool box (all the while thinking on how i would be coloring it in gimp, what layer would be on top and such. i love how the hair turned out, for my second piece i didnt have the exact same pencils in hand. keep in mind the blocks i drew are just innocent items, like the one in this one could be a pillow, or that shelf winged bought that we havent installed yet, maybe its a musical instrament, what ever it is, its not as wrong as it seems,
Sabriela Hellena (Fan Art Portfolio)
i love my block

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- Created
- 01/20/12
- Category
- Personal Fan Art
- Tags
- avi, black, block, censor, color, mine, pencil, sabriela
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