sasuke sarutobi4 (Fan Art Portfolio) Lumina

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My OC. She's the mother of Leanne and Luna from my book Wolves of the Night. She isnt physically in the book, but she will be one of the main characters in the prequel to it.

Unfortunately I drew her on a loose-leaf sheet of computer paper I had, because when I first started drawing this, I had intended it to be a quick sketch that I wasnt going to keep. It was also supposed to be Leanne in her cat outfit, so I could describe it much more detailed when I typed it up, which is supposed to be now, but since I dont have a very good description Im waiting >.<

So when I was sketching this, I thought that it didnt look like Leanne, that it looked more like her mother, and so I ended up throwing away that idea at the moment and decided to draw her mother instead. I thought it came out pretty well too. I had a bit of trouble with deciding what to make her hair look like, at first she had long wavy hair, and then I thought since Leanne and Luna have theirs down, I thought I'd mix it up a bit and put her's in a braid.

Surprisingly she came out exactly as I pictured her. Also, I personally think I did a great job on the ears, I used to have trouble with those some time ago when I was drawing my Wolves characters. And, the tail looks fluffeh *0*

But now, let me a tell you about a this prequel I am going to make. I know I havent even gotten the first book published, or even typed up all the way, but thats ok. Ive known I was going to make a prequel to Wolves of the Night since I started making it.

The setting of the prequel is in Himitsu, where Wolves had started off with. But, two of the main characters are Leanne and Luna's parents, Lumina and ___ (their dad, who I havent came up with a name yet for D: Let us just call him Blank 2 for now, shall we? I have a feeling that'll come up somewhere )
It'll start off with them as kids, showing how they met and became friends and stuff, then skip to when their both teenagers (like, 18 years old ish, which by the way, this current drawing of Lumina is what she looks like as a adult of about 20-some years old) and then their dad will 'propose' to her mom, they'll get 'married' and Lumina will get with child(s). I put quotations around those two words up there because Im going to have the nagual 'marriage' system be different than ours, its more like wolf-style. I wont explain that too much right now.

And then goes the good part, when Lumina will get caught by the young Seth, he does all the experiments on her and stuff, sets her free, she goes back to Himitsu, reunites with her family and whatnot. Then I'll probably have it skip ahead a bit to when Leanne and Luna are born. Im thinking about stopping it there, have a little suspense and stuff for the first book. So yes, that is just a basic very vague summary of what the prequel will be like.

Before I start writing the prequel, first I have to finish typing up Wolves, come up with a design and name for the twins dad. And that will be that, enjoy~

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OC, Wolves of the Night
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