SG Creations (Fan Art Portfolio) Baby Blue Eyes

Baby Blue Eyes
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...yeah, this probably needs an explanation XD...not the usual chibi cuddly adorable, looks-exactly-like-an-adult-but-smaller "baby *insert yugioh dragon here*" kind of thing is it?

I too, randomly got the urge to imagine what a Blue eyes baby/hatchling would look like...but while of course real dragons don't exist, I've watched my share of nature documentaries regarding various reptilian creatures and know that they most certainly aren't short and chubby like chibi adults when they hatch o__O they're generally skinny/gangly, and have heads and eyes too big for their bodies...I personally still think they're cute (newborn alligators ftw!!) but many others would probably think otherwise lol

in this case I add-libbed A LOT...this little one's limb actually have some sort of discernible attachment to it's body, and it's rather naked...and the case of the former, I imagined the iconic layered armor being something that grows in as it matures, it's also not "white" for a reason, I made it sort of a stoney grey. why...? because when you're tiny, naked, and a newb at life, you generally don't want a gleaming white coating shining like a beacon to whatever scavenging predator might come passing through while mom's away fetching lunch. grey would be at least a little more "blendy".

As for pink skin, Takahashi's illustrations on his site gave them pink gums, and since they're a "white dragon" I imagined their skin might be like any other truly white animal's skin beneath their coats - or in this case - "armor", I imagined it would be a flesh pink.

basically these types of overly complex thoughts happen whenever I find a creature design from ANY series that I like, I see it, I'm not satisfied with just one version of it, I then want to know what a baby looks like, what a female looks like, what a male looks like, etc. get the picture....

personally I blame this compulsion on watching lots of discovery channel documentaries and having a massive animal encyclopedia as a major source of entertainment as a anyways I hope you can enjoy this little critter, not big or impressive at all, but hey, we all had to start somewhere right? XD

Yu-Gi-Oh Fan Art
Babies, Baby, bald, Blue, Blue Eyes White Dragon, cute, Dragon, dragons, Eyes, hatchling, hatchlings, naked, newborn, pink, ugly, White, young
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