My entry for the "In Color" contest.
Ya know what's funny, this was actually easy ;3;
Hello, I am SimmyGhost and I suck at drawing trees.
My second time drawing a mermaid since I was like,7. Yes, age 7 is the last time I drew a mermaid, welp, other than that time last year....
So, my scanner decided to be evil with me again after who knows how many months of using my drawing tablet. So my scanner murders my colours.
I messed up on her left arm ;3; (The left arm as in when you look at it)
I drew a mermaid by a blooded river because, welp, I like mermaids, friend decided to talk to me about blood...I'm going to end up slapping him for this........WHAT. If you can't see it she has some red in her hair.