MY CAMERA SUCKS YOU-KNOW-WHAT.o^o lol I wish it turned out better, I used Picnik to darken it and whatnot, it does look a little better, the original is really bright and you can't hardly see it.
I did color her, her body is light pink, her hair is a light yellow and I added her crown, and the leg things are like her dress (light blue-ish lol I fail =w=;;) And let's see..I wanted to add the moon and stars, even though Team Plasma N said to leave it as white...I'm not a blank person, I'm sorry.oAo; *dies*
I used 2B, 4B and 6B pencils. It was simple..I got this done in like 30-45 minutes. I started off with the eye and I guessed on the look of the pony and Rosalina...sorry if there are any mistakes. And sorry about the brightness >< I tried to tone it down..but Picnik was stupid with that.:p
And that's about it. Hope you all like it.^^
Comments, faves and votes appreciated.:3