Sakaira (Fan Art Portfolio) Anima and chaos

Anima and chaos
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The idea popped up in my head a LONG time ago and I drew most of it a LONG time ago. Around September-October I think. It's not exactly what I had in mind cause it won't come back to me now. Last weekend I decided to finish it (though I forgot 1/2 more details that I had to add by mouse) and I finished coloring and whatnot today. You know what. I'm so stupid; I scanned this so I can post it later but I didn't scan my more recent work....

You can easily see that I did not really fix my rugged pencil outline. I dunno why it always comes out like that when I select it off the paper to a transparent layer. The anima doesn't stand out that well... Still experimenting with the features and for some reason my smudge feature doesn't work have the time... So you can see awkward shading... Yes he's somewhat disproportional :(

About the art itself. It's chaos/Yeshua using his anima power reluctantly because if I recall correctly it could bring the universe closer to destruction (or am I remembering something else completely?) and he's has no choice to use it at that moment. Whatever that moment maybe. What, I only had the image in my head not the actual situation. I had to stare at two different official references for his design though part of it I had to guess.

My goal to draw all the Xenosaga important characters (namely playable) is still ongoing as well as my goal on Final Fantasy main char drawing (though currently discouraged due to Warrior of Light's excessive and elaborate design...).

Finished: MOMO, Jr./Rubedo, chaos/Yeshua. Still need: Shion, KOSMOS (the one I attempted failed horribly), Ziggy, Jin, Canaan, Allen?

Art (c) me
chaos/Yeshua, Xenosaga trilogy, its characters and designs (c) Monolith

Xenosaga Fan Art
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