SaxGirl (Fan Art Portfolio) "Always..."

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This scene I drew is kind of a mix between the Deathly Hallows book and the movie - ever since I read the book, I imagined this scene as it was written down, taking place in the Shrieking Shack [not in the boathouse, like in the movie._.] I even added a crate, lol:')

So anyways, this is obviously a very sad and emotional scene (yes, I drew Snape's death scene ;__;) I also put the main scene (at the bottom) together with several memories, from a later scene. So there's also several pieces of dialogue I can attach to this (some from the book, some from the movie) - I made a selection of the most important lines.


Main scene [book]:
Something more than tears was leaking from him.
Snape: "Take them... Take them..."
Harry (to Hermione): "Give me something! Quickly, a flask, anything!"
Main scene [movie]:
Snape: "Take them to the Pensieve..."
Snape: "Look at me - you have your mother's eyes."

Dumbledore (not drawn, obviously) after Snape casts his doe Patronus: "Lily... After all this time?"
Snape: "Always."

If you've read the book and/or seen the movie, you will know the significance of these lines:) I guess you can only fully understand this drawing if you're familiar with HP, anyway:')


So about the actual artwork - it took a LONG time to complete this! I'd never made anything like this... All in all, it came out pretty well, almost like I had imagined it to be:) I think the perspective in the drawing is better than usual for me (I drew the characters in quite unusual poses!^^). I had originally drawn the bottom scene completely opposite of the end result, but I flipped it horizontally because I thought it looked better this way:P

Feedback, like always, is VERY much appreciated!<333

Time taken: 12-14 hours (don't know exactlyX3)
Done in: PS6, with tablet
Cloud brushes by greenaleydis-stock on dA
Texture (used for Pensieve) by MannequinStock on dA
Dedicated to: superstarpanou, for hosting this amazing challenge!^^


Harry Potter Fan Art
after all this time, always, crate, deathly hallows, doe, emotional, evans, eyes, forever, green, harry, hurt, lily, love, memories, patronus, pensieve, pond, potter, sad, severus, shrieking shack, silver, snape, tree, wound
11 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
Blindloverr713 superstarpanou LightFykki LGA775
Member Dedication
.:It's Okay to Cry:.
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This work is not available for use in other pieces


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