Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Duel Academy Group

Duel Academy Group
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This is a fun artwork I drew and colored along time ago. I also had it turned into a poster which is currently hanging on my wall. I am really proud of this drawing here. I love the colors and I just loved how it turned out. It took me a few days to draw it out and the next day I colored it. Sometimes my artwork takes a while for me to create, mainly because of time. I don't have much time during the week with school. I drew an anime version of myself and my little brother in there. We are the ones right in front. My anime self is wearing a Ra Yellow jacket and I have brown hair and glasses like I do in real life. Super Luke is the one on the right in the green jacket. I'll just list the characters from left to right; Ranka Lee(Top Right),Alexis Rhodes/Tenjoin Asuka (Bottom Left),Jaden/Judai Yuki (Bottom Middle Left), Amazing Katy(me,Bottom Middle Right,yellow jacket),Super Luke (Bottom Right Hand Corner). Sorry if that was a bit confusing. I also drew Duel Academy in the background and I drew a few slugs from the movie Flushed Away. One is rainbow colored and is surfing on the ocean wave, the other is poking down from the top and is blue. I hope everyone enjoys my art. Dedicated to MangaKid who is a phenomenal artist and a good friend of mine. Hope you like it friend!

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Art
amazing katy, duel academy, flushed away, jaden yuki, macross frontier, ranka lee, slugs, super luke, tenjoin asuka, yu-gi-oh gx
10 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
21Emmz12 LGA775 omnia1 Tayeta MangaKid
Member Dedication
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