Ellenor Mererid (Fan Art Portfolio) Jackie's Rabbit ear challenge

Jackie's Rabbit ear challenge
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Never ever again will I draw this many people in one piece of art! (Though knowing me I probably will) There are about 14 people there; granted 3 of them are the same person. It took so loooooooong to draw it all! :( :(

The concept of this is that someone has challenged Jackie to get as many people to wear bunny ears and take their photo! :D

This piece is also a good chance to introduce some new oc’s

Read description to understand what’s going on.

Photo Descriptions:

Left full body picture: Just Jackie at the beginning of her challenge, modelling the wonderful rabbit ears.
Top picture: Naoyuki (Kita Mikichi’s OC) Dewey, Jackie, and Wiz. Wiz (real name undecided) is one of the new oc’s, he’ Sabrina’s little brother, he’s rather bashful and get embarrassed easily, unlike Dewey, he can stand up for himself and his friends, he and Dewey are really good friends.
Dewey was introducing Naoyuki to Wiz and so they were just hanging out and playing, when Jackie had arrived. Dewey and Naoyuki happily wore them, however Wiz didn’t, Jackie pouted and decided to pounce on him and force him! In his embarrassment, Wiz tries to stop the person taking the photograph. Naoyuki is holding onto Dewey, he’s being un-nerved by the hyper ball of energy that is Jessie and at Wiz’s frantic embarrassment.

Right most picture: Alex (StefanPwinc’s oc) on her farm in America. She’s been collecting eggs so that she can paint them with edible paint/food colouring in an Easter type style! :) I’m not sure, if she actually has chickens or not, if she hasn’t he has now as a present from Dewey and his friends, and if she did, well she has more now! :3

Bottom left picture: Leo is Jackie and Ozzy’s father, he’s a new oc, but I’ve drawn him before on one of my worlds.

Middle picture: Hazel and Mike in the middle of having some tea and having a chit chat in their garden. Mike is Hazel’s twin brother and a new oc and I’ve also drawn him before on a world. The reason for Mike looking so shocked is that he thought it was only Hazel doing it, and wasn’t expecting Jackie to sneak up on him!

Bottom middle: Jessie and Sabrina, (in kimonos because . . . well just because) I introduced Jessie in my last piece. They are foster sisters. Sabrina is blushing because, well because she’s blond, has blue eyes and is a bit spacey, people pick on her calling her a dumb blonde or a play boy bunny, which is not true for her case!

Picture at the right side: Jaime and Ozzy. Jaime is Jessie’s brother, so he’s also half Japanese and half American. I will have to explain Jessie and Jaime’s relationship in another pic soon, it’s too long and complicated to explain now. Ozzy, Jaime and Mike are really good friends! In this pic its Jaime and Ozzy are just messing around, Jaime likes doing magical tricks so that’s why he’s pulling a rabbit out of a hat, and Ozzy is just his glamorous assistant!

Naoyuki © Kita Mikichi
Alex © :iconstefanpwinc:
the rest of them © me

Personal Fan Art
alex, bunny, challenge, dewey, hazel, jackie, jaime, jessie, kita mikichi, leo, mike, naoyuki, ozzy, rabbit ears, sabrinaoc, stefanpwinc, wiz
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2 members Favoritefavorite
kita mikichi KalySama
Member Dedication
Bunny ears!
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