CelestialSushi (Fan Art Portfolio) Sketch Request #4 - OC Aberius

Sketch Request #4 - OC Aberius
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Hello, everyone!

Sorry for the delay… here's the fourth sketch in the 10 free sketch requests series; for Kitty K.O., here’s her Pokémon gijinka OC Aberius (the Absol). And lucky him! The theme selected by amidakuji for his picture was “Anime convention (meaning cosplay :D).” Now, I had seen Kitty K.O.’s drawing of Aberius as Sephiroth, so I was like, “Nice, and it sets the mood, but I’ve got to pick somebody different.”

At first, and for quite a while, I was torn about which character he should be dressed as, and for a while (up until yesterday) I was considering putting him in a costume from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! as I noticed that Kitty K.O. had favorited some wallpapers from that series. But, at the last moment, I saw she had this cute card from Gintama that she had made (with Gintoki being bitten by a giant dog), and I thought, “Yes! That’s it! He’s got silver hair!” :D (Silver hair was a major factor in deciding given Aberius’s hair color.) Now, I’ve seen most of Reborn! (with exception to the reused animation in the recap episodes), but I’ve never seen Gintama, so I never would’ve thought that I’d be drawing anything from that series. Then again, there are some things you never even imagine that you’d be doing until you do them… like, writing songs for a Bakuman musical… I dunno, just a weird example (I’m not actually doing that right now, just so you know :3).

Anyways, references for this pencil sketch/image were as follows: for Aberius, the first of the two images provided by Kitty K.O. on the free sketches world post comment (and this one too); and for the Gintoki costume, the full body image from the Gintama Wiki on Gintoki’s page (I’d link it, but you never know how wikis can be…).

Now, I may have gotten his personality a bit off (since I don’t really know how emotional he is or the like), but when you go to a convention, people want to take pics, and hey, a little smile isn’t going to hurt anyone, right? :)

Well, with all that said, enjoy! Next up is 15385bic’s request. Look forward to it! :D

Pokemon Fan Art
10, Aberius, absol, anime, CelestialSushi, con, convention, cosplay, costume, free, gijinka, Gintama, Gintoki, Kitty K.O., OC, pencil, Pokemon, request, sketch, sword
6 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
eijiforever MangaKid Kitty K.O.
Member Dedication
Kitty K.O.
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