SG Creations (Fan Art Portfolio) Zoids spasm ftw

Zoids spasm ftw
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Yay! nostalgic Zoids fanart!...crappy nostalgic Zoids fanart (especially Jack, Jack sucks, everyone ignore Jack lol)... but Zoids fanart none the less XD

anyways, characters are from the New Century series, and are Bit Cloud (upper left), Jack Cisco (upper right), and Jamie Hemeros...who I want to hug, because he came out so sad and downtrodden looking that the little guy looks like he needs it :( lol

but yeah...this was fun but still sucks quite a bit, regardless of the fact that they were supposed to be rather quick jobs. I think I'm in a little bit of a slump right now, oh well...Keep moving forward, right?

Jack was particularly hard, I tried to take him on partially because he's a challenge as he's not a particularly attractive character (still cool, just, yeah, he's just not that "pretty" is he?, sorry Jack :/), and there's a lot of bishis out there that everyone loves to draw a lot, and because he's one of my fav characters for some odd reason. I think it's because I like his Zoid and he is a pretty good pilot.
anyways I failed but I said that already, laters, and I hope people enjoy this little blast from the past.
Zoids is a franchise near and dear to my heart and steeped in more nostalgia than YGO for me <3 I do hope to do more fanart, and maybe, Maybe, someday I'll even learn how to draw the actual zoids themselves.

Zoids Fan Art
Bit, boy, boys, century, characters, Cisco, Cloud, fanart, fun, Hemeros, Jack, Jamie, liger, lightning, males, man, mech, mechanical, men, new, nostalgia, nostalgic, pilot, pilots, pteras, quick, raynos, robot, saix, SkyGateCreations, zero, Zoid, Zoids
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