SG Creations (Fan Art Portfolio) Fun with Fuzors

Fun with Fuzors
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Pffffft LOL - I had to...I just had too! XD I don't know why the image of RD engaging in a rather cat-ish fight with Blake entered my mind but it did and it simple HAD to be drawn...I have no regrets...

seriously, it took forever, the anatomy still sucks...but I really don't care, it was just too much fun to do.
and I just love how RD came out all like "B*TCH I'LL RIP OUT YO WEAVE!!!" ...only maybe a bit more muffled due to Blake's "get the Hell off me" face-grab.

lol *sigh*...but honestly I think even with the successful hair grab, if this happened RD might still be a but a few moments from getting his butt handed to him.
Anyone who saw the series at least as far as it went on Cartoon Network in the states might remember Blake putting one of the much larger Matrix Dragon guys on the floor with little effort (guy's name was do I know that? I'm a zoids freak of 11 years, I'm in a constant quest knowledge of all things zoids, even the crap no one's interested in)...but yeah, alas, poor RD is screwed unless he were to pull some martial arts skills or something out of his rear at the last minute.

...Actually that scene made one wonder, if he had those kinds of skills...why didn't he just take his revenge for his zoid outside of the cockpit and give RD a good old-fashioned beat-down? ...guess it's just not the same...or he just didn't want to deal with the potential assault charges...suppose zoid battle beat downs might actually be more legal XD

Annnyways, even though fuzors was the least popular Zoids anime (understandably) I hope that this is enjoyed like it was by me while I made it XD

Zoids Fan Art
anger, angry, Blade, Blake, cat, face, fan, fanart, fandom, fight, fighters, fun, funny, fuzor, Fuzors, grab, grabbing, hair, humor, mad, pull, pulling, RD, SGCreations, Zi fighter, Zoid, Zoids
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