modified from dA slightly...
Brace yourself for a flurry of inappropriately placed flowers ><
I just got a book on gardening and plants and couldn't help but reference all the pretty flowers... to which neither of the characters has any relation... orz
theO sketch request page #1:
1. angluvdeath sesshomaru
2. thelostsindar FE8 seth
there are kinda 3 versions of seth (though the bottom two aren't so recognizable)... I apologize to all the other requesters, it has nothing to do with you or your request; I had a fantastic time drawing everyone's, and I do try my best on all of them!
but I REALLY like Seth and fire emblem >< it may not be apparently since I'm hardly active, but I love FE, have tried all the games I could. FE8 is the first I played and the only one I have completed, though I have come quite close on most of them. I've even thought about buying a 3DS so I can play Awakening when it comes to north america. when I tried drawing the bottom two faces, somehow it just turned into seth >_<
I'm really inconsistent when I draw (something I'm trying to work on), so what and how I draw sometimes are not totally up to me T_T
thanks thelostsindar for the request XD I've loved your art for a long time now, it's awesome that you also turned out to be an avid FE supporter!
lol sesshomaru is still so cool after so many years, I'm glad you requested him, angluvdeath =]
need to work on anatomy!!!!!!! so badly!!
P.S. just spilt water on this while typing this >< at least it's scanned? OTL
almost done with the rest, will be up next week I think!
people who are on dA too: is it annoying to see the same thing posted on both sites?