CelestialSushi (Fan Art Portfolio) Alicia Florence - Inspired by Art Nouveau

Alicia Florence - Inspired by Art Nouveau
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Hello everyone.

I recently got a new set of fine line markers… so here’s to the first complete drawing I’ve finished with them :D (Never mind the fact that I did quite a bit of touching up after the image was scanned XD)

Also, this is the first time I’ve done anything similar to the art nouveau style… and I think I might work with this art style again :) It seems to be a good match for my love of drawing details :3

Anyways, here is top gondolier Alicia Florence from the ARIA series. For those of you who haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it ^_^ It’s absolutely beautiful.

References include box art for the ARIA the ANIMATION DVD set, a few art nouveau images I saw on Google (but kept in the back of my mind considering I didn’t actually look them up during the drawing process) and Venice-tagged clipart photos from Microsoft Office 2007 (it’s definitely a great resource for references). The image was sketched with mechanical pencil, outlined with Prismacolor Premier fine line markers, scanned, touched up in Manga Studio Debut 3.0, copied and pasted into MS Paint (Windows 7 version), colored/filtered in Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0, and signed back in MS Paint. Any resizing was done in the Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

Man, that’s a lot. Still, I think it was worth it. With all that said, enjoy! :D

Aria Fan Art
Alicia, Alicia Florence, Animation, Aria, art, art nouveau, border, CelestialSushi, fine, Florence, gondolier, inspired, line, Manga Studio Debut, marker, MS Paint, Natural, nouveau, oar, Origination, pencil, Photoshop Elements, style, undine
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