WHEW! it's been a while peeps! lol
anyways yeah, I realized I actually had quite a few things built up that I could submit here - I.e. Fan-related stuff.
I've been on a zoids kick for most of the year, and yeah it's produced art...and a character, but she'd already shown up on here I think - Estelle the Fuzors OC.
NOW THEN...about this...uh...lol this was actually a scribble session that came about late one night because I was too nervous to sleep because a heavy smell of brush fire was hanging over my entire house and I couldn't figure out where it was. and such things scare the CRAP out of me...
...What about that situation had to do with the visual I got of Blake (Zoids: Fuzors) doing that exasperated/annoyed blow-hair-out-of-face thing, I don't know, but it was amusing and it worked. So this image happened.
I imagine he might make such an expression/do such a thing if his zoids was being a particular brat or something.