Hi again~!
Thank you all for being with me n BARE WITH ME
for so long...
so sorry haven't got anytime to make an actual fan art (and is doing it again anyways)
This is the final assignment of my drawing subject (um home assignment), well at first I was thinking of making smthng special for sure....
but u see, I got this other FINAL PROJECT, and with this DEADLINE that's chasing me BIG TIME while holding a KNIFE...
so I ended up only drawing this simple key chain, not even mine lol
at least I actually drew a "thing" (what the lecturer had been teaching)
u c, before this, the previous assignment, (value study) I did:
- environment (2)
- a kitten <- my FAVE, I can upload this one if u want xD
- an apple, a box.... n umm tissue roll
- Alex's face
well usually for my class assignments, the lect likes to "torment" us with numerous things to draw: chopped pumpkin, glass, wine bottle (my ultimate enemy), wine glass (my other enemy), jars (with it's AWSOME REFLECTIONS... kettles, bla bla bla, I could go on, I could even upload all my work... but I don't want to murder your eyes with random things,
yes yes, you're welcome~