Sakaira (Fan Art Portfolio) 2012 Art Summary

2012 Art Summary
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Theme: Reminiscing on 2012
I WAS CHEAP AND REUSED 2010's FRAME! But I used paint and GIMP for this. I missed a few months... I probably drew something but I never uploaded them and since I don't date my work anymore I don't know when I did what.

January: STICK FIGURE CONTEST! "Trio Stick" art (c) me
February: Had a friend pick between this and the Axel one. Honestly I kinda like chaos more, this is the version where I made it a bit darker to make the anima stick out. "Anima and chaos" chaos/Yeshua (c)Monolith, art (c) me
March: Club contest. "What a Day" art and character (c) me
April: Challenge prize. "Another Side Another Story" Riku and World That Never Was (c) Square Enix and Disney, art (c) me
May: Failed to accomplish.
June: Bored one day in class. "Oh, We Meet Again" art and characters (c) me
July: Secret Santa. "Summer SS" Gilgamesh (c) Type Moon, art (c) me
August: Based off a seiyuu event or so. "W-welcome..." Yuri Lowell (c) Namco Bandai, art (c) me
September: Tales of Vesperia obsession. "Duke" Duke (c) Namco Bandai, art (c) me
October: Failed again!
November: How did I even have time- Oh was waiting for a meeting. I could have technically put the Tales of Holidays one cause I drew that I believe at the end of November but I didn't cause at the time I thought it was the beginning of December.. No wait. I completely started and finished the Xmas card one... Oh well. "Girl" art, character (c) me
December: I actually like this one. Came to me all of a sudden really when I didn't feel like finishing the colors on Tales of Holidays. "Join Us" art and characters (c) me

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