Okay attention please! I have two very important things to say! One a big thank you to HotRamen2Go009 for the comment I really appreciate it! I personally love watercolor. Just like this tree. i had fun with it. Number two I'm really really REALLY super sorry that the quality of my artwork sucks, becasue when I took the pictures they looked fine and then I went back and realized I had taken them all on 'landscape' view *facepalm* and I'm not re-taking them becasue 1. I'm lazy and 2. there's 65 i don't want to go back and re-do all of them. Anyways thank you, everyone, so much for the views, rate, comments, and subscribers!
icecreampebbles11 (Fan Art Portfolio) The Peaceful Tree
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- Created
- 01/08/13
- Category
- Personal Fan Art
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- me, scetchbookprofile, twinkies
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