Hi, long time no see!
Here's an old sketch from a few weeks ago ahaha.
and the same description from a few weeks ago, too. //lazy //rolllls
-> I kinda changed my style a bit during school, ahaha.
Pretty bad timing since I'm drawing for the chorus and I need to have consistency. _(:3_|
Anyway, thought I'd just doodle something, mess around with SAI a bit, add some textures.
( Which are found here, by the way. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=20592103 )
I want to draw like this more, so simple, lol. C:
And idek about the "pitaman" part.
It's a nickname Rikkun gave me because....idk she thinks I'm manly??? LOL;;
I don't think my persona would look like that as a male, ahaha.
Just needed something to fill in the empty space... _(:3_|