This is about me and my sister :D
This is 4 allyouneedislove, my little sis, you're so cute *v*
...yeah^^ Litlle Suscription^^ I say the names from left to right, line for line
Okay, let's start:
Kid, Link, Zelda, Sai (I think you know them all^^ )
Liz, Itachi, Yuzuki (Me ) and Patty
Soul, Cune (my little sis, 1st person), Sasori-sama and Maka
So last but not least: Larris (my little sis, 2nd person), Kaoru, Keshin and Tsubasa or Cleryll (3rd person of my sis ) [chose one name my sis like both of it
I wrote so much yet, but now I'm finished
Haha, Okay, hope you like it, JA NE