X MAGE X (Fan Art Portfolio) Bavol

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Hey guys,
This is the last OC of a set of triplets I made. His brothers can be found here and here .
So here's the final triplet (the middle one): Bavol. His name comes from England and means "wind." He got his name from his free-spirited nature, and outgoing personality.
I know this challenge told us not to include more than one OC in the paragraph, but I just wanted to link him to his brothers, since they're a set. Bavol's the only one intended for this challenge. >.<

He's a little overconfident, and often underestimates his opponents (but he usually wins). Like his brothers, he also uses magic, but also is skilled with a wide range of weapons. Making strategies are his weakest combat ability, as he usually depends on power.

He and his brothers are 19. Sweet foods are Bavol's favourite, but he also really likes spicy foods.

He doesn't like it when his eldest brother Admon fusses over him, since he doesn't like to be too dependent on others. However, he is still very close to his brothers, and is almost always seen with them. His favourite colour is purple, the colour of royalty (I guess that shows his overconfident nature a little XD). When he's not training he engages in his favourite pastime: playing his flute. He doesn't seem like the music-artsy type, but he loves classical music.

It took me a while to find time to draw him, but since I'm on reading week, I have lots of time now. :D
I hope you like it. :3

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
Bavol, OC, X MAGE X
3 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
animelover5000 ItachiSasuke
Member Dedication
help me, get free art. again.
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