Jnasby123 (Fan Art Portfolio) Witch and Squire

Witch and Squire
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Here is Magnus and Smith. These are two of my OCs that I had made a while ago. I have drawn Magnus before but I didn't like how she looked. Here hair will still be orange and she will have silver irises. I gave her a more classic witch look instead of a playful one.

Smith Almire is Jack's cousin and is 18 just like Jack. He also has red hair but he is more of an idiot. He has his bright moments but he usually is less intelligent than the average person. He is a brawler but also wants to be a knight. He usually trains with Jack since, Jack is a knight and he was also the one who spotted the warp zone that Sarah created over in the desert.

Above image: Jack told Smith that they had a witch helping them and Smith was confused. That is when he said:
"A witch? They are green skinned old ladies with bad face acne," Smith said holding onto rubbing his chin. Agnus was shocked at his description. Then Smith continued on his version of a witch. "And they live in swampy forests and eat little children that happen across their hut," Smith finished with a smile.

Magnus is actually 21 years old but she likes Smith for his obliviousness to the fact that she was a witch until she told him, right before she kissed him. Smith actually didn't like witches because he had witnessed many commit evils and usually never cared for any one but themselves. When Magnus told him that she was a witch, he was shocked and then grew even more shocked when she kissed him. "A witch is in love with me?" Smith said.

There outfits actually come from final fantasy tactics classes. Magnus is actually wearing a black mage outfit but I thought it looked witchy enough and Smith's outfit was a modified mystic outfit.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
anatomy, anime, aru, base, bases, beautiful, beauty, bleach, color, couple, cute, dance, demon, dynamic, fantasy, forbidden, ginger, index, kagaku, kiss, knight, love, magic, magutsu, manga, mark, misaka, moe, OC, orange, potions, power, rangiku, red, romance, romantic, sketch, squire, witch
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