ChiPolVee (Fan Art Portfolio) My Little Army

My Little Army
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This is my entry for Okitaru's contest ★Pet Gijinka!☆ Please enjoy~

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Yay! My first contest entry! I really hope this isn't too many to enter, I actually have more pets than this, we're kind of a mini farm/rehabilitation place for pets... The nine animals in this picture are the ones (minus Yen who I'll explain) I interact with the most but we also have Moose and Pita, two cats we saved who stay outside, Tucker, my mom's dog that she saved, a small army of deer that we care for and my spider, Jessica~ Overall in the course of my entire life we've had over 50+ different animals.
Alright, now let my introduce you to my pack/army starting from left to right~

Amaterasu aka. Ammy (German Shepherd) ~ She's all bark and no bite, this is probably the sweetest and most scattered brained Shepherd you'll ever meet. Ammy is very loyal and loving though. It doesn't take much to make her happy, however she is a very hyper puppy.

Yen (American Short-hair) ~ He is the special case. This little man was my baby, I saved him from almost being killed and brought him home with me, after that he transformed into my shadow. He was always adventurous and sweet and lived up to his tiger markings. However, one rainy stormy night, he never made it home. My neighbor kindly brought the still warm lump to me and... I was devastated. He died May 25th 2009 in my arms. But there's a bright side, for those of you who believe in Ghosts/Angels, I would like to say Yen didn't leave me, which is why he's on this list.

Patches (Calico) ~ She is the ditziest little cat you'll ever meet. She loves to talk, and talk, and talk some more. Patchy is extremely friendly and loving, most everyone tells me she's the reason they come visit me. Also she's perpetually high on catnip...

Iridescent aka. Irio (Neon/Glow Fish) ~ This is my college buddy. Since Irio is a fish he doesn't really have much of a personality, so I gave him one~ He's very full of himself and the like because he glows so brightly. He also has a little posse of other little glow fish, Princess (pink), Lady (yellow) and Shimmer (blue).

Blossom (American Short-hair) ~ This cat is a sociopath, the cutest sociopath ever. She likes to slaughter innocent little creatures that roam too close to the house, except Phantom. When she's not killing things she's very mellow and detached, except for when she's hungry, then she's really scary. This kitten is also my baby and attached to my hip~

Phantom (wild Field Mouse) ~ This little fella was brought home by Blossom one night for fun but I guess she ended up liking him because she let him go and now they sleep together. He's very skittish and shy with everyone except me, who he will actively try to annoy.

Domino aka. Minny (American Short-Hair) ~ She's Blossom's equally homicidal twin. However she has more emotion than Bloss, albeit more bi-polar. One moment she'll be sweet and loving, the next she'll be biting and attacking everything she can touch. She's insane.

Gerry (Flame-Point Siamese) ~ He is beautiful and he knows it. He likes to strut around being flamboyantly gorgeous. He also has a thing for watching the BBC and Clue networks on TV with my mother, so I made him a British detective, like he dreams he could be.

Kari (Chihuahua) ~ This little thing might not be big but she's unbelievably tough. She's the pack leader of all the other dogs and kind of reminds me of Napoleon Bonaparte. She has a bit attitude but also a huge heart. She loves my mother and will do anything for her. But she is very selfish about cuddle time and extremely jealous of Gerry.

Well there you have it, some of my little army~ Who do you like best?
I had a hard time with this contest because I wasn't sure who to enter, how to set it up, etc. I tried two other times to make this in various styles and looks but I finally settled on this because it has most of them and it looks good~ Please tell me what you think and if these some way I could have made this look better~ Thank you all so much, and sorry for all the reading...
I had some help with the outfits for Ammy, Patches, Minny and Gerry so credit to all of you and thank you for all the help~ <3 (I have no links, sorry)

Ammy, Yen, Patches, Irio, Blossom, Phantom, Minny, Gerry, Kari (c)Me! :D

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
Pet Gijinka
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Member Dedication
★Pet Gijinka!☆
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