Artgrrl (Fan Art Portfolio) The Great Enchantress Alexis

The Great Enchantress Alexis
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This was an actual character I created when I was in Middle School. I liked to make fan characters and OCs back then before I discovered fandom on the internet Well I sort of made her more Mary Sue-ish then she already was :P

NAME: Alexis Harper

AGE: 13 but when she transformed she looks like she's 18

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: As the Enchantress she has long flowing lightly golden hair that shines in the sun light. Delicate yet strong build long and lean with curves in the right places. Lavender eyes that sparkle like polished jewels

FANDOM: She's the main character of an original story I made in Middle School. About a Human girl who was chosen from a higher beings from magical world to be their savior and blah blah blah. A plain stupid girl gets a magical makeover, with an outfit, magical powers the whole she bang

HISTORY: Alexis grew up in a rather wealthy family with talented and beautiful siblings. She always felt like she was ignored by her family and was bullied by her peers but she didn't complain and went about her day until she gets transported to magical world. She's told that she's the Enchantress from an ancient prophecy to save the world.
(Not a very tortured past)

POWERS OR SPECIAL ABILITIES: The Enchantress can sense the life energies of everything. She can summon Elemental Sprites; fire, earth, water, air and use their powers to fight bad guys.

HOBBIES: She likes to cook, sew, sing, dance, horse back riding, fencing, swimming, ice skating, playing the harp, flute and violin SHE CAN DO IT ALL XD

Special markings/weapons/gadgets/trinkets: She has heart shaped symbol on her chest is that mark that she's the Enchantress. Her weapons are a fencing sword, a magic mirror and a helmet. She has a magical cellphone that she uses as a communication device to the magical world when she's in the real world. It also has many other features that she never uses; create desirable objects out of nothing (like jewelery and money), A camera feature that when taken someone's picture that person would disappear and reappear in a other dimension. And other features that I have forgotten

EXTRA: She always save the day with out much trouble and she has a lot admirers who love and adore all handsome young men, some are her alleys and friends and others are enemy from the magical world that are supposed to kill her but they love her. Although she doesn't appear to acknowledge their feelings or just doesn't realize.

And I hope this Mary Sue enough for ya. I created the character because of my Magical Girl series; Sailor Moon, W.I.T.C.H., Tokyo Mew Mew, etc.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
Character, girl, heroine, magical girl, Mary Sue, OC, warrior
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Member Dedication
Mega Mary Sue
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