moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Kasey Girl

Kasey Girl
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Sorry guys, I'm kind of dead right now, and at a loss for words to put in this description. ;u;

IT'S KASEY! SHABAM! Yeah. Sorry I never draw girls... "orz The last time I had a finished picture with Kasey in it was last year around this time. ;u; I've figured out some things on how to draw her, but I can almost guarantee that she will be the only character I draw with logical, sense-making hair. xD; Don't get me started on Gabe's hair, okay... Y'know, I really should try to figure out how my characters' hairsyles actually work. As in where it stems from and how it's parted... but I won't because I'm lazy! 8D Yaaay.

I wanted to try and give a go at soft shading after not seriously doing it in forever. I think it came out okay, but DON'T BE FOOLED! I actually have no idea of what I'm doing. -u-b I cell shaded first, then I used the watercolor tool on SAI to blendify. Soft shading... yeah. Still intimidates me. Idk about the background, though... I kind of want to do something else for the background, or fill up the space on the right somehow, but I'm just going to keep it as it is. xD; Maybe I'll change it eventually.

Um... and yeah. I'll just end there because I don't know what else to say. xD; Posting in college feels weird. orz

TITLES AAAGH I HATE THEM. Usually I think about them before hand, but I don't even know for this one. :I

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
digital, digital art, girl, idk, kasey, oc, ofav, original character, paint tool SAI, tag
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11 members Favoritefavorite
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