XXXYuiLieaxxx (Fan Art Portfolio) L kiaba?

L kiaba?
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Su, the first Anime that I really got into growing up was yugioh! and I always really liked Seto. I felt bad for him constantly and I thought he was very intelligent and though he was born with the money, that he really worked hard for kiaba corp and deserved some good in his life. I loved how he cared about his younger brother su much and Seto reminded me a lot of my own brother.

All that being said, L from the Anime death note was the first character that I really identified with. He had a troubled past and shuts people down and out, he doesn't like people to get to close. I know that I'm really bubbly on the outside but it's really just a defense. I personally have had it hard and have had a lot of losses of my own. I want to do something for the greater good one day, that's part of the reason I want to be a lawyer one day. I'm also intelligent, I've known that for a long time and people just used to think I was stupid just because I wasn't exactly good at English. We'll look where I am now in school and I bet they would tell yuu differently. I'm composting for top in my class right now and by next year I bet I will have the spot locked as mine.

anyways, because I couldn't make up my mind for who to do for this challenge, I ended up putting the two of them togeather. Although, I can definitely see Light, also from death note, in Setos clothing a little better I still put L through it. He looks pretty snazzy if I do say su myself if I may add ;)

As always, thank yuu everyone for putting up with me and I apriciat yuu <3

Personal Fan Art
death note, Kiaba, L, Seto, Yugi-oh!
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