Sakura Tachibana (Fan Art Portfolio) Team Ultra

Team Ultra
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My last Secret Santa gift! This fanart is 4 Skitty999, and I also decided 2 kill 2 birds with 1 stone by entering it into v Generation Sensation Gijinka Challenge. Though what is disappointing is that I sent a PM or 2 asking PGR if I could join their RP. They haven't replied yet, but if they do, I still wouldn't be able 2 submit 2/3rds of v characters as they r legendary. V costumes r cool though. These girls come across as some kind of kick-ass superhero team. (though Rai's goodness is questionable)

  • Dita the Ditto is a small, chipper master of disguise.
  • Raiko the Raikou is probably v team's oldest member with a strong sense of justice. I wonder how she feels about being separated from her [sisters or friends] Sue and Taylor. #Guess who.
  • Tia the Latias is Theo's (Latios) chipper, otakuish little sister. She likes playing superheroes and flying.
  • Rai the Darkrai seems to have a rather twisted and disturbing mind, and definitely comes across as scary, but she could have some good inside her. She has a sort of rivalry with Cressida the Cresselia.
  • I wonder what Blanche v Reshiram's relationship with Zak the Zekrom is. It's probably a cat-and-dog-type thing. She is very wise and mature.
  • Fennel the Fennekin is the newest member of the team. She is also rather cheery, but feels like she is not as strong or as cool as v others.

  • Created
    Pokemon Fan Art
    blanche, darkrai, dita, ditto, fan art ss, fennekin, fennel, latias, rai, raiko, raikou, reshiram, secret santa, tia
    7 votes thumb
    5 members Favoritefavorite
    skitty999 Moonbrain1509 shaymingirl Shadowfiend
    Member Dedication
    Generation Sensation Gijinka Challenge
    Sourced By
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